(Online) events
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SowiesoHelder makes it possible. An event is an excellent way to generate maximum engagement with your target group. But do you opt for a live event, 100% virtual or perhaps a hybrid form? We are happy to advise you based on our extensive expertise. Together with a team of technical specialists, we create events that participants will talk about for a long time.


From concept to production and directing, SowiesoHelder has everything in-house for every live, hybrid or 100% virtual event. An effective approach, short lines of communication, fast service and high-quality results. That is what we stand for. In addition, we work independently with various suppliers. This way we are flexible and can deliver tailor-made solutions. Each form requires a unique concept in which your sales and marketing objectives are always our starting point.


For an online event (100% virtual or hybrid), we use a tool with unlimited possibilities in which intelligent creativity and high-end technology come together: a complete 3D branded virtual event platform.

Features: including (inter)national live connections, breakout sessions, video calls, video on demand, chat, sharing of content and real-time interaction between speakers and visitors. Sustainable, inspiring and connecting.

Online events greenscreen with camera man
Online events presenter


We link a virtual live event studio with a physical stage to the virtual event platform. For an online event, keynote speakers and audience are streamed to the studio where they are available for the host/ speaker on stage for real time interaction. The presentation is a pure reality experience for the online viewer thanks to the real stage, the dynamic LED floor and back wall and the application of a unique virtual augmented reality layer. In a hybrid format, we ensure an optimal user experience for both the live audience present and the online visitors.


An online event connects people from all over the world. International clients, colleagues working from home and business associates in another continent. An online event crosses borders, so you reach a wide audience. Participants do not have to travel to a central location, which is also sustainable. In addition, an online event saves costs, such as catering and venue hire. This makes it a cost-efficient, but very impactful solution! Are you curious? And would you like to know more about what SowiesoHelder can do for you in the field of (online) events? Please feel free to contact Joost at +31 651 16 16 22 or send him an e-mail.


Virtual event

Make it memorable. For years been our credo regarding events. A branded virtual world? Include colleagues from all around the world? Inspire clients and make them engage in your story? We make it happen.

Read more about virtual events

Online talk show

Guests, a lot of dynamics, tv-show like quality, but with a lot of interaction! An online talk show makes this possible. Make the participants part of the experience by allowing them to vote on a poll or give answers to questions.

Read more about online talk shows


Elevate your online presentations to a higher level. A webinar tells a story, build relationships and helps you get qualitative leads. Our technology gives you endless possibilities to make a presentation with impact.

Read more about our webinars

Online conference

The chances are that Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangout and Skype are not unfamiliar for you. There are a lot of possibilities for these tools! We can transform a simple meeting into a powerful conference using our technological knowledge.

Read more about online conferences


How do you make your online event an experience? That is our speciality! We know how to find the right chemistry between content, creation and technology. This way an online event can also be an unforgettable experience.

Read more about experience

Our approach

Every online event is different! This is why we steer our client through three stages: concept, technology and content. We can deliver a fitting service this way. And as we have a broad knowledge, we can work fast and effective.

Read more about our approach

Discover more in our brochure

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Are you interested, schedule an appointment with Joost via the module below or send an e-mail.

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